The discursive nature of the modern political process: modeling and forecasting


  • E.V. Kotov


discourse; formal discourse analysis; political process; political subject; discursive structure; formal model


The political process is studied through its discursive embodiment, in which language appears as a system-forming vector that is self-actualized through specific political texts and activities that are realized and interpreted within the discursive structure's permissible (specified) bounds.

The viewpoint of the theoretical and practical work is the position of the post-structuralist theory of discourse that the political process is conditioned by the existence of the purpose of Education, called discourse, which is described as a generally constant framework that includes linguistic characteristics of language and pragmatic components of action, restricts all that may be thought, expressed, and, as a result, done in relation to political phenomena and events. The discourse itself is articulated in a loosely hierarchical framework of concepts that may be derived from any political book, independent of its topic, volume, or other characteristics. The prevailing line of description and action in the political process is called “hegemonic” discourse.

The essential possibility of formal language extraction and modeling of the structure of speech is demonstrated in the context of the work, in which each element organizes and is structured by other components, forming a complex structure of subordination relationships with them. As a result, the network itself, in the most redundant form possible, represents the structure of political speech within a separate symbolic association. This is the first time someone has offered a codified model of discourse. Furthermore, the work tries to introduce such a structure in a variety of ways, ranging from a simple transfer of theoretical concepts to the practical plane to various model modifications in an attempt to formalize political science research and increase the degree of verification of scientific search results.

This approach allows us to examine the political process as a process subjugated to the logic of discourse, the goal of Education, which dictates the logic of the elite's activities, rather than as the acts of individual political actors directed by private interests and ambitions. This analysis allowed us to conclude that the concept of a subject in modern political science is undergoing significant transformations, and therefore, the subject in the theoretical plane of research can no longer be defined in the context of stable mental dispositions and with the need for its analysis in the scientific and practical plane should be carried out with an emphasis on the conditions that allow and reproduce it.


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