Mechanism of ensuring the efficiency of functioning of gas distribution enterprises of Ukraine


  • L. Tarasenko


efficiency of functioning of gas distribution enterprises; balanced scorecard; key performance indicators; tariff setting; forecasting the financial position of gas distribution enterprises; directions of development of the mechanism of ensuring the efficiency of functioning


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations regarding the mechanism of ensuring the efficiency of functioning of gas distribution enterprises of Ukraine and the justification of practical recommendations for its production, which take into account the combination of their status as subjects of a natural monopoly and entrepreneurship. The high social importance of gas distribution enterprises is the basis for the development of ways to improve efficiency, which is to take into account the interests of consumers in issues of both economic and technical nature, which strengthens the relevance of the work.
In section 1 «Theoretical foundations of the functioning of gas distribution enterprises of Ukraine and issues of its efficiency assessment», based on a study of the current state of the natural gas market and gas distribution enterprises, trends in the development of the industry, the specifics of activity, the existing problematic issues were identified.
In section 2 «Diagnosis of the state of gas distribution enterprises under the current mechanism of ensuring their functioning» the justification of the influence of each individual subsystem of the gas distribution enterprise on the efficiency of its activities is presented.
In section 3 «Efficiency of functioning of gas distribution enterprises: modeling the directions of achievement» it is justified that the assessment of the potential level of performance based on predictive modeling, namely, the construction of predictive financial statements, is an effective tool for obtaining an insight into the potential of the enterprise and the presence of negative trends for early response to challenges that arise, the search and accumulation of all resources for the optimal organization of the enterprise depending on the evolving circumstances.


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