Innovative strategies of countries in conditions of asymmetric global economic development


  • A. Temerbek


innovation strategy; innovations; innovative development; global economic development; asymmetry; asymmetries; scientific and technical development; technological paradigm; industrial revolution; cybernetic revolution; Industry 4.0


The thesis is devoted to generalization and systematization of theoretical and methodological foundations formation of countries’ innovative strategies in the conditions of asymmetric global economic development and elaboration of scientific and practical recommendations on transformation directions of countries’ modern innovative strategies within formation of new technological paradigm.
In the first chapter “Theoretical principles of research of innovation strategies of countries in the conditions of uneven global economic development” was provided a detailed study of orthodox and modern theories of countries’ innovative development; theories of society’s technological transformations; scientific views on the role of innovation, technology and scientific-technological progress development of countries and the world were systematized. This helped to offer the theoretical and methodological basis of innovation and technological component of economic development of the world economy. That provided an opportunity to substantiate theoretically the relationship of innovative development of the country with the level of economic development, which, in its turn, is a prerequisite and determinant of further scientific and technological progress.
In the second chapter “Analytical basis for the formation of the country's innovation strategy in the conditions of uneven global economic development” the author identifies the dominant trends of global economic development, which include: transformation of the technological paradigm of economic development in the fourth industrial revolution; changes in the geo-civilization space against the background of the decline of industrial world civilization and the parallel formation of the foundations of post-industrial civilization in avant-garde countries, which leads to an increase in economic and social distance between countries; exacerbation of inter-civilizational contradictions; instability of world dynamics and asymmetry of global economic development etc.
The third chapter “Transformations of countries’ innovation strategies in conditions of uneven global economic development” offers an economic and mathematical apparatus for quantifying innovation and economic development. It was developed an integrated assessment of innovation and economic development of countries, which allowed to determine their level, to trace the dynamics, determine the relationship between innovation and economic development and provide mathematical confirmation of the assumption of the existence of a direct relationship between indicators of innovation development and the level of economic development of the country.


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