evelopment of fisheries and aquaculture in the sectoral structure of EU economy
sustainable development; fisheries economy; aquatic ecosystem; aquatic bioresources; global fisheries; aquaculture; common fisheries policy; EU fisheries industry; EU fisheries market; fisheries in UkraineAbstract
In this dissertation the problem of the resource provision for economic activity have been investigated within the paradigm of sustainable development. The systematization of natural resources on the basis of their genesis, exhaustion, renewability, economic use has been performed. The humanity food security is positioned in the format of global challenges of our time.
The essence, structure, multifunctional specificity and importance of fishing industry in the global economy have been comprehensively studied, its key trends are identified and evaluated, first of all - the dynamic development of the aquaculture, which is ahead of the world industrial capture fisheries and seafood catching. The classification model of the aquaculture with separation of its categories has been developed, including the aquaculture types and consumer purposes. The growing role of fisheries and aquaculture in providing the humanity with quality food and in solving global food problem has been shown.
The critical problems of fishery and aquaculture, caused by global climate change, pollution of world ocean, technogenic impact on the aquatic ecosystem, poaching have been identified. The taxonomic model of global fisheries is proposed, which reflects its affiliation to the economy of the seas and oceans, bioeconomy, blue and circular economies, resource and technical bases, technological processes, multilevel regulation and monitoring. The trends and imperatives of the global fisheries and aquaculture management are identified, the modern format of its corporate business model is proposed.
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