Policy of State Consolidation under Conditions of a System Crisis in Ukraine


  • L. Stanislavenko


system crisis in Ukraine; a-social state; state consolidation policy; invariantization; invariant; consolidation-adaptation; consolidation-identification; consolidation-transformation; value dimension of consolidation policy; social state consolidation model


A comprehensive study of the policy of state consolidation under the conditions of the system crisis in Ukraine. The state consolidation policy is defined as a purposeful and practice-oriented strategy of Ukraine's development, which should be implemented through qualitative practices of state institutions and non-state institutions for invariance i.e. finding Ukrainian society's own invariant (common motivational concept through "brackets" of all differences and welfare state). It is emphasized that in Ukrainian society under modern crisis conditions, Ukraine's unification programs are more often based on negative, defensive strategies (social confrontation, external enemy, etc.). The system nature of the crisis weakens the state's ability to use all its resources effectively to preserve its sovereignty in the country and pursue an effective policy of consolidating society. It is emphasized that since the proclamation of independence, the political system of Ukraine has not defined or built a modernization model, which it seeks and forms consistently. Accordingly, there is no public system of modernization measures in Ukraine, which would be understandable to citizens and in the implementation of which they would be involved. Therefore, the system can produce only the scenarios of cyclical development. Under such conditions, the state becomes antisocial. In contrast to such programs, a common policy of the state and society to consolidate Ukraine should be formed around a single and positive invariant i.e. a concept that does not contain differences of interpretation, negative connotations and forms a community of government, people, and business. Values, concepts, and trends such as "state borders and the integral territory of the state", "Ukraine is a promising space of opportunities for youth, professional associations, creative centers, inherited traditions and emerging innovations" should be unifying. "Ukraine's promotion in the world through cultural and digital diplomacy", "ethnocultural regions and decentralization with strong territorial communities to strengthen the nation-state", "Ukraine is a nation-state as the goal of modernization". The concept of "nation-state" is understood by the author as an invariant i.e. an integral format of the country's development, which demonstrates the consensus of state policies and social practices aimed at comfortable coexistence of equal political, ethnocultural and territorial identities.


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