The idiolect of Roman Ivanychuk: corpus-based and linguo-cognitive approaches
idiolect; idiostyle; linguistic personality; phraseology; collocation; metaphor; concept; profileAbstract
The thesis is focused on the study of R. Ivanychuk’s individual speech (1929-2016) based on the text corpus which contains 16 historical novels and 1 historical trilogy with 1.235 million words. The study of author's idiolect has been conducted by modeling the statistical and conceptual writer’s profiles. Statistical methods of language analysis have been applied within the research, a cognitive approach to understanding the linguistic personality has been used as well.
The first section presents theoretical principles of individual speech research, provides review of scientific professional literature dedicated to the study of the following terms: idiolect, idiostyle, linguistic personality, phraseology, collocation, metaphor, concept, profile.
The second section focuses on the involvement of modern approaches to linguistic text analysis, such as: corpus-based, corpus-driven, linguo-cognitive, statistical, comparative analysis, conceptual analysis, conceptual model approach in the analysis of the author's texts.
In the third section, the statistical structure of phonological, morphological, lexical and textual levels of writer’s speech are described, the statistical and conceptual profiles of the author's text are created on the basis of emotion and colour nominations.
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