The demographic sustainability strategy’s preparation in Ukraine under conditions of globalization


  • A. V. Nepytaliuk


demographics; demographic sustainability; demographic dividend; economic sustainability; economic development; globalization


The dissertation is devoted to the problems of the theoretical foundations’ deepening, the methodological provisions’ refinement, and the certain applied recommendations’ preparation for the demographic sustainability strategy’s preparation in Ukraine under conditions of globalization.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is associated with the conceptual substantiation of the demographic sustainability strategy’s preparation under conditions of globalization, and essential improvement in the theoretical and methodological assessment apparatus of the socio-demographic factors’ impact on the economic development dynamics.
In the first section “Theoretical and methodological principles of demographic sustainability” the approaches to the interpretation of “demographic sustainability” are analyzed and summarized. The aforementioned category has got the author’s definition. Demographic sustainability is the society’s ability to support automatically and – using both implicit and explicit compensators – to restore as well as to improve its own structure in the context of social stratification, regarding a set of significant parameters, including the economic activity level as well as educational, professional and competence training; demographic sustainability optimizes the production proportions of intellectual and physical capital, provides intensification and continuity of production, increases the population welfare.
In the second section “The empirical study of the Ukrainian population’s socio-demographic characteristics” the population’s decline over the 1990– 2020 period by more than 10 million people was derived from a set of natural factors and an imperfect and insufficiently systematic and consistent government economic policy as well. It is proved that the demographic policy’s priorities should be associated with an increase in the life expectancy; a reduction in all population age strata mortality (e. g., in the working age population stratum, in the juvenile stratum, etc.).
In the third section “Development of the governmental demographic strategy in the context of globalization” the necessity of improvements in the mechanism and the analytical tools for assessing the demographic factors’ impact on economic growth (involving econometric methods) was sustained. Demographic forecasting and modeling, in particular, the aging processes simulation, are vitally important to formulate effective socio-demographic development strategies, to provide guaranteed income for the people of all age strata, and to improve the health and well-being of all citizens. It was proved that the demographic dividend should be emphasized considering both productivity and consumption.


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