Legal Culture and Positive Forms of Legal Awareness: Theoretical and Legal Aspects of the Correlation


  • M. Sukhodolia


legal consciousness; legal culture; legal values; legal mentality; legal system; transitive society; direct means of influencing legal consciousness and legal culture; indirect means of influencing legal consciousness and legal culture


The dissertation is devoted to deepening the doctrinal foundations for understanding the theoretical and legal aspects of the relationship between legal culture and positive forms of legal awareness, as well as developing practical recommendations for improving their functioning.
The study sets and solves the following tasks: identified and clarified the theoretical and applied aspects of the relationship between legal culture and legal consciousness; revealed the socio-legal prerequisites for the analysis of legal culture and legal consciousness of society; analyzed and made suggestions for improving the methodological component of the study of legal culture as a reflection of positive forms of legal consciousness; identified the problems of analysis and transformations of legal culture and legal consciousness of transitive societies; the actual state of the legal culture of the population of Ukraine is specified as a reflection of the deformed legal consciousness; a set of means of direct influence on the legal consciousness is determined as one of the ways to increase the level of legal culture; means of indirect influence on the legal consciousness are identified.
The scientific novelty of the results obtained consists in the conceptual substantiation of the doctrinal foundations for understanding the theoretical and legal aspects of the relationship between legal culture and positive forms of legal consciousness, as well as in the development of practical recommendations for improving their functioning.


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