Protection of the rights of business entities from violations and encroachments of public authorities
protection of the rights of economic entities; grounds for protection; violation and encroachment of public authorities; mechanism for protection of the rights of economic entities; guarantees of protection of the rights of economic entities; official; responsibility of public authoritiesAbstract
The dissertation is devoted to the research of protection of the rights of economic entities from violations and encroachments of public authorities.
Section 1 "General theoretical provisions on the protection of the rights of economic entities from violations and encroachments of public authorities" analyses the doctrinal and regulatory principles of protection of the rights of economic entities in relations with public authorities.
Section 2 "Mechanism of protection of the rights of economic entities from violations and encroachments of public authorities" analyses the main elements and functioning of the mechanism of protection of the rights of economic entities from violations and encroachments of public authorities.
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