Strategic development of the enterprise in the conditions of the global competitive environment of knowledge economy


  • A. Huzenko


strategic development; strategic management; competitiveness; globalization; knowledge economy; human capital; competitive environment; commercial enterprise; retail


The dissertation is devoted to generalization and systematization of theoretical and methodological bases of research of problems of strategic development of the enterprise in the conditions of global competitive environment of knowledge economy and development of scientific and practical recommendations on introduction of the mechanism of strategic development of the enterprise in the conditions of global competitive environment of knowledge economy.
Section 1 "Theoretical and methodological principles of strategic development of the enterprise in a global competitive environment of knowledge economy" conducted a detailed study of the theoretical principles of external and internal environment, in particular: a synergistic approach to the essence of competition where their action significantly outweighs the effect of each individual component, which allowed to provide the author's definition of competition, competitive environment, global competitive environment.
In the second section of the dissertation "Modern trends in strategic development of the enterprise in a global competitive environment of knowledge economy" the assessment of the impact of the global competitive environment of the knowledge economy on the global FMCG­retail market, by considering the determinants of global competitive environment last years. The retrospective analysis presents the evolution of changes in values and consumer behavior based on the theory of generations X, Y, Z, which shows the irreversible transformation of consumer behavior, which is also supported by the results of the author's field study of changes in the consumer basket in Ukraine; consumer spending in online and offline stores of the world FMCG­retail; the share of consumer spending in stores with digital sales channels, the detection of a portrait of the consumer and the level of loyalty to retail, which leads to a change in the model of FMCG­retail.
Section 3 "Ensuring strategic development of the enterprise in a global competitive environment of knowledge economy" offers scientific and methodological support for strategic development of the enterprise in a global competitive environment of knowledge economy, namely developed a conceptual model of strategic development of the enterprise in a global competitive environment of knowledge economy, determinants of the global competitive environment, factors of influence, model of influence of the global competitive environment of knowledge economy on the enterprise, the mechanism of strategic development providing introduction of the modern integrated process of management of the enterprise caused by world integration processes characterized by emergence and based on exponential growth and technological convergence and providing synergistic in order to gain benefits and / or borrow effective market experience based on maximizing the use of human capital.



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