The author’s intentional sensority and motility in English, Ukrainian, and German artistic discourse
The thesis considers a comparative study of the author’s intentional sensority and motility in English, Ukrainian, and German artistic discourse.
The relevance of the research is determined by the need for indepth linguistic studies of the author’s intentionality in the artistic discourses of different system languages, since the author’s intentionality appears as a prerequisite for the formation of an artistic text, while the author’s sensority and motility, being components of an individual cognitive model embodied in an artistic text, are regarded to be its immanent properties. In this approach, the author’s sensority and motility are recognized as a special dimension of the perception of objective reality. The author’s sensority and motility are able to enhance the expressiveness of text continuum, vividly and accurately convey emotional states and their shades, explicating the experiences of the characters, making them brighter and more imaginative. At present, there is no study of the author’s intentionality in Ukrainian, English, and German artistic discourses based on a consistent comparative analysis of the functionally marked lexemes and constructions of sensority and motility.
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