Economic mechanism of intellectual capital management of the business community in the conditions of digitalization


  • P. S. Syniehub


intellectual capital; business community; human capital; knowledge economy; economic mechanism; management; evaluation; digitaliza-tion; artificial intelligence; theory of fuzzy sets; fuzzy logic; model; intellectual measurement; innovative development; digital technology


The dissertation developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the economic mechanism for managing the intellectual capital of the business community in the conditions of globalization, force majeure transfor-mations and digitalization.

In the first chapter «Theoretical-methodical basis of managing the intellectual capital of the business community in the conditions of digitalization of the economy» the interrelationships and interdependencies of the components of intellectual capital in the context of the development of economic science are established, which made it possible to find a synergistic approach to the study of the essence of intellectual capital in the conditions of digitalization of the economy , industrialization 4.0.
In the second chapter «Cognitive imperatives of intellectual capital manage-ment of economic systems» it is proved that in the knowledge economy the key and integrating factor of production, in relation to the enterprise, is corporate human capital. Corporate human capital is a synergistic phenomenon, not a mechanical sum of the individual human capitals that make up its composition. The main product in the knowledge economy is the new knowledge generated and reproduced by the owners of human capital or members of this community.
In the third chapter «Development of an economic mechanism for managing the intellectual capital of the business community based on artificial intelligence»" it is stated that the added value in the knowledge economy is provided by human capital, which remains beyond quantitative assessments. To identify intellectual cap-ital, it is advisable to use modern digital technologies that allow simultaneous oper-ation of quantitative and qualitative information. It was determined that the set of objects that are included in the composition of intellectual capital (intangible assets) are only a potential resource of production and turn into capital only in the process of their inclusion in production.


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