The exercise of the right to a judicial defence in economic relations


  • O.Y. Byelomyestnov


judicial defence; the right for judicial defence; the exercise of the right for judicial defence; economic relations; economic entity; jurisdiction; defence method; bankruptcy; defenсe methods; effеctive defenсe; court; case law


The thesis is devoted to the comprehensive study of the exercise of the right to a judicial defence in economic relations.
In the 1st Section «General Principles of Law for the Exercise of the Right to a Judicial Defence in Economic Relations» the author studies general principles and concepts for the exercise of the right to a judicial defence in economic relations. It has been found that the right of economic entities to seek a judicial defence can be considered a part of the exercise of the right to a judicial defence in economic relations.
In the 2nd Section «Mechanism of the Exercise of the Right to a Judicial Defence in Economic Relations» the author carries out a systematic analysis of legislation in terms of identification of the exercise of the right to a judicial defence in economic relations.
In the 3rd section «The Exercise of the Right to a Judicial Defence in Certain Types of Economic Relations» the author establishes that the peculiarity of bankruptcy proceedings is that trials of such cases require a combination of economic, civil, and administrative legal relations regarding debtor's property in one procedure to fully satisfy the creditors' claims, including those of regulatory authorities with monetary claims against a debtor.


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