The development of public-private partnership in the process of transnationalization of economic systems.


  • N.A. Yemelyanova


The thesis is devoted to the problem of theoretical and methodological principles development of public-private partnership researche in the global economy and scientific recommendations development for harmonizing the interests of the state and multinational corporations using leverage public-private partnerships.

The economic nature of the origins and theoretical models of public-private partnerships was analised. The methodological principles of public-private partnerships formation and involving of multinational corporations in this process were investigated. Organizational and economical basis for the formation of public-private partnership modern model multinational corporations and the state were defined.

The development process of public-private partnerships in the global economy was analyzed. The comparative analysis of public-private partnerships models involving multinational corporations in the energy sector of the global economy was done. The features of the use of policy instruments of public-private partnerships involving multinational companies in Ukraine was defined.

Perspective directions of forming strategic partnership between the state and transnational business were defined. Interests deleboration models of multinational corporations and the state was analized. Risk-sharing options in the system of public-private partnerships with multinationals corporation were proposed.


