Informational Direction of Policy on Protecting National Interests of the State.


  • S. V. Bondarenko


information policy, national interests, policy on protecting national interests, non-linear processes


In this thesis, theoretical and methodological basis of the study of informational direction of policy on protecting national interests of the state are systematized; the experience in this very area of foreign countries and Ukraine is generalized.

It is proved that the informational direction of policy on protecting national interests is an integral part of state policy, which ensures the promotion and protection of interests in public political-informational, political-figurative and political-semantic fields. It has been pointed on synergistic specificity of implementing such a policy in the conditions of non-linear development of the world.

The substantial difference between the concepts «political territory» and «political space», which are used as synonyms in political science, was justified. Political territory should be considered as states-nations and its associations, which have publicly recognized and legally secured borders, institutions of governance, system of legislation and regulation, and monopoly to use force. They are focused on ensuring stability, maximum protection, inviolability of borders and preservation of sovereignty. Political space is a set of interrelated political phenomena and processes which go beyond borders, but initiated by certain state in order to establish economic, political, cultural, linguistic, informational, etc. control on internal and external space. The author proposed the following indicators of divergence: geographic (border), regulatory, institutional (presence/absence of a single decision-making center). Such concepts as «political-figurative field» and «political-semantic field», which are the components of a constructed reality, were identified. They also define the entire set of images and meanings, which the national interests of the state are articulated in. Political-figurative field is a component of a constructed reality, a set of authentic values of the people, symbols and simulacrum, in which the national interests of the state are articulated. Moreover, it is the totality of tangible and intangible images that identify territory (emblem, anthem, flag, personalities, goods, historical places, etc.). They also create an emotional connection with target audiences for the promotion and protecting national interests.

Political-semantic field refers to totality of essential characteristics of different phenomena, which form interpretations of reality and create a political-relevant knowledge for the promotion and protecting national interests of the state. The author added the list and the scope of the methods and techniques of research the informational direction of protection on national interests of the world states in terms of modern non-linear political processes. Forms of its manifestation in modern politics were added too.

The study of information-communication activities in the field of protecting national interests as a part of political science and methodological understanding of the essence of this direction has gained further development in this thesis. It is proved, that influence of modern nonlinear socio-political processes contributed to the redefinition the role and place of informational direction of protecting on national interests, its appearance on the same level with power instruments of protection state sovereignty and interests.

Based on generalized experience of formation and implementation the informational direction of policy on protecting national interests of the states and supranational organizations the author formed two models – subsidiary (US, UK, EU and NATO) and vertical (Russia).

Clarified and systematized the experience of formation and implementation of information policy for the protecting of national interests of Ukraine in the conditions of nonlinear social and political processes. Improved and expanded approaches to the assessment of external and internal perception of the state based on analysis of rating indicators of the state development and polls that indirectly reflect the state of understanding, support of the national interests of target audiences in informationcommunication sphere.

The author proposed the transitional model of the development and implementation of the informational direction of policy on protecting national interests of Ukraine in the conditions of nonlinear processes, which reflects modern transformation and transition from a vertical to a subsidiary model.


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