Concept human in the Phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian Dialects.


  • I.V. Garbera


axiological classification of phraseological units, areal phraseological unit, ideographic classification of phraseological units, code of culture, concept, linguistic database, intercode passage


The specification of concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects based on the code system of culture and formation of the correspondent linguistic database have been found and described in the work. The dissertation structure is determined by its purpose and tasks.

In the Summary the subject matter of dissertation has been established, its purpose, tasks, object and subject have been stated, the scientific novelty, theoretical meaning and practical value of the work have been revealed, the approbation of research findings have been represented, etc.

The first chapter “Theoretical and methodological principles of research of the concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects” includes the description of ontological subject matter of the concept in modern linguistics (subchapter 1.1), the characteristics of verbal objectivization of the concept with the means of areal phraseology (subchapter 1.2), determination of structural organization of the concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects and grounding for complex of methods of its research (subchapter 1.3).

In the second chapter “Secondary semiotic system of the concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects” theoretical and application issues of the cultural coding (subchapter 2.1) has been covered, the code system of culture (subchapter 2.2) and intercode passages (subchapter 2.3) of the concept which is analyzed including the justified description of lexical and semantic variants of representatives of cultural codes have been characterized.

The third chapter “Linguistic database “Concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects”: structure and functions” is devoted to determination of use experience in phraseology of linguistic database, establishing of qualification signs and classification parameters of linguistic database (subchapter 3.1), stages of linguistic database design for “Concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects” (subchapter 3.2).

In Conclusion the research findings of the concept human in the phraseology of East Steppe Ukrainian dialects are represented, the prospects of further research of the relevant concept in the phraseology of the modern Ukrainian language are determined.


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