Syntactic Organization of Pronoun-correlated Sentences with Nonsymmetrical Structure.
complex pronoun-correlated sentence, relative word, correlative word, correlative pair, pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure, co-wordcorrelated connection, semantic-syntactic relations, syntactical projectionAbstract
This thesis is the first comprehensive study of complex pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure. The research is based on defining the complex pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure as a complex construction which contains a correlative block with a pronominal (or another pronominalised part of speech) functioning as a correlative word that is not semantically equivalent to the relative word, which enables the formation of a co-word-correlated connection.
The thesis identifies the mechanism of the co-word-correlated connection formation enabling the distinction between three types of this connection: one with a syntagmatically strong relative word, one with a syntagmatically weak relative word, and a mixed one.
In order to reveal the semantic correspondence between the elements of the correlative block, we propose to classify correlative words into the following categories: attributive: qualitative (такий, той), qualitative-quantitative (настільки), quantitative (стільки); adverbial: causal (тому, затим), locative static (там, туди), locative dynamic (туди, звідти), temporal proper (тоді), temporal continued (доти, поти), temporal reference (відтоді, звідтоді), manner of action (так), semantically neutralised (те). However, we determine the meaning specification of conjunctions which form nonsymmetrical sentences within the adverbial type distinguishing between comparative (наче, неначе, немов, ніби etc.), conceding (хоч, хоча), measure and manner (аж, що аж), locative stative (де) and dynamic (куди, звідки), temporal proper (коли), temporal continued (доки, поки, допоки, заки) and reference (відколи), aim (щоб, аби), manner of action (як).
We have established that the widest range of pairings is characteristic of the following correlative words: такий (constitutes 29, 02% of the whole corpus), так (25, 97%), те (23, 95%), and conjunctions що, щоб, що аж. Те has the largest number of case and prepositional-case forms. It combines with prepositions про, за, через, у (в), на, до, перед, після, по etc. and can be used in the forms of nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative cases. The semantically neutralised correlative word те has limited pairing ability. It forms correlative pairs with conjunctions що, щоб/ аби, як, наче, ніби (and other comparative conjunctions), and conjunction words with locative meaning де, куди, звідки and temporal meaning коли.
The formal-grammatical basis of pronoun-correlated sentences with nonsymmetrical structure is formed by over 120 correlative pairs, among which the most productive are: такий – що/ що аж; такий – щоб; такий – ніби/ наче/ неначе/ мов/ немов; так – ніби/ наче/ неначе/ мов/ немов; так – що; так – щоб/ аби; настільки – що/ що аж; стільки – що/ що аж; те2-6 – що; те – щоб. Apart from pronominal words, the position of the correlative word can be taken by word forms with weakened nominative meaning, e.g. у такий спосіб, до того часу, до такої міри. Sentences with such constructions demonstrate transpositional processes within pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure.
In addition, the thesis outlines core and non-core functional areas of the constructions in question. It was established that the core area is represented by units which do not systematically reveal syntactic equality between the correlative word projection and the relative word orientation, which enables the formation of layers of syncretic semantic-syntactic relations. Such constructions are realised by means of correlative blocks with pronominatives of adverbial semantics так, настільки, стільки, and adjectival semantics такий, той.
The non-core area of pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure includes structures with the correlative word те, which does not have pronounced meaning and forms a variety of pairings with prepositions, based on which it indirectly creates a syntactic projection ensuring the formation of mostly syncretic semanticsyntactic relations. Thirty-two of the 36 analysed pairs contain pronouns. Due to the lack of pronounced meaning, the correlative word can form phraselogised complexes, homonymously close to pronoun-correlated constructions, however indivisible neither at the formal-grammatical, nor at the semantic-syntactic level.
In sentences where the position of the correlative word is taken by a lexical part of speech, there is frequent emigrational transformation of pronominal words.
The intermediate functional area includes sentences, which reveal equality between the elements of the correlative block at the general semantic level, which makes them closer to the symmetrical constructions; however, the syntactic orientation of the relative word does not coincide with the correlative word projections, which is primarily typical of non-symmetrical units. For the classification of such units the term “half-symmetrical pronoun-correlated sentences” is proposed.
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