Formation and system-word-formation of Ukrainian Beekeeping Terminology.


  • I.V. Shmatko


Ukrainian terminology of beekeeping, beekeeping term, thematic group, field structure, lexical-semantic relations, word-formation model, term-phrases


The thesis represents the first systematic research into Ukrainian beekeeping terminology formation in Ukrainian linguistics. The materials of the research may serve as the basis for theoretical studies in Ukrainian terminology and lexicography in particular for compiling defining, defining-translation and translation dictionaries of beekeeping terms and related spheres of knowledge; as well as in the educational process of specialised universities and faculties when teaching special courses on terminology. The information obtained allows to trace the tendencies of further UBT development, its regulation and standartisation.

The study examines the development of the Ukrainian beekeeping terminology identifying the main periods of its periodisation. The origin of the analysed terminology begins in the era of building human knowledge about the environment and food provision. Four main periods have been distinguished in the formation and development of the Ukrainian beekeeping terminology: I period – the appearance of wild honey harvesting / apiculture lexis (the 10th – the middle of the 14th century); ІІ period – the formation of bee-log apiculture prototerminology (the second half of the 14th century – the end of the 18th century); ІІІ period – the formation of frame beekeeping terminology (the beginning of the 19th – the end of the 20th century); IV period – the formation of commercial beekeeping terminology (the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century).

Each of the above periods reflects the structure of the industry itself, its history, ways of production, and technical facilities development; the emergence of new equipment, processes, and nominations which find their reflection in new terminological units in each period.

With the introduction of rational beekeeping, the first scientific works of native researchers – O. I. Pokorsko-Zhoravka, O. S. Ponomariv, P. I. Prokopovych, and N. M. Vitvytskyi – appeared at the beginning of the branch scientific and theoretical foundations development. On the pages of various scientific publications, the issues of the industry terminological support were raised, in particular in the magazines “Osnova” and “Cherhova Sprava”. During this period the industry terminology was replenished with foreign terms to denote bee diseases and their anatomical structure; the group of names denoting beekeeping equipment was substantially enlarged. The class-aspect differentiation of concepts and terms was initiated. Beekeeping scientific terminology was actively developing.

The end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century was marked by the emergence of new areas in beekeeping and sub-disciplines of sciences which needed new terms for their designation (apitherapy, apology, artificial breeding of bees, etc.). Replenishing UBT with new terms required their systematisation and regularisation, alongside compiling branch dictionaries which Ukraine lacked. This gap was to a certain extent filled by the “Dictionary of beekeeping: English-Russian-Ukrainian” published by P. I. Prokopovych Institute of Beekeeping and the “Dictionary of beekeeping: GermanRussian-Ukrainian” edited by M. L. Aleksenitser, L. I. Bodnarchuk, and K. V. Dobrovolska.

The analysed units are structured according to the field model, the composition of the nucleus and periphery of the investigated terminology. The core of the Ukrainian beekeeping terminology is constituted by the Proto-Slavonic names (бджола, мед, трут, матка, борть, колóда, пчéльник (пчеловóд), пáсіка). Proper Ukrainian terms form the basis, derived mainly from nuclear terms according to different derivational patterns. The borrowings in UBT make up a small part, most of which relate to the periphery of the terminological system. The largest part of the borrowings in beekeeping terminology are terms borrowed from English, Greek, Latin, and Russian. Among them there are crossdisciplinary terms denotating components of honey, royal jelly, drone fluid, bee venom; cerago. On the basis of logical-conceptual and subject-semantic features, the thematic and lexical-semantic classifications of the analysed terminology were carried out, as a result 29 main thematic groups, 40 subgroups, 55 lexical-semantic groups, 45 subgroups and 2 micro groups were distinguished.

The paradigmatic relations between them are analysed. The main systemic phenomena (hyper-hyponymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy and homonymy) are described and their features are determined.

The system of beekeeping terminology in the bulk of modern Ukrainian literary language is established. Beekeeping terms derivational patterns, their models, and the degree of their productivity are determined.

Terminology in UBT functions according to the general laws of word-formation: morphological (fixation, basic- and word-building) and non-morphological (lexicalsemantic, syntactic). Among the morphological methods, fixation and composition are singled out. Among the non-morphological methods, the syntactic method proves to be the most productive one.

The lexico-semantic method of term formation refers to diachronic methods, the essence of which is the use of words available in the language in a new meaning, which results from metaphorisation and metonymisation. One of the UBT terminology sources is the borrowing.


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