Structural-Semantic and Functional-Stylistic Characteristics of Poetonyms in the Novels of Ukrainian Writers of the Early 21st Century.


  • D. V. Kozlovska


poetonym, name option, etymological meaning of the name, stylistic function, individual-author’s name creation


The paper presents the analysis of the structural-semantic and functionalstylistic features of the poetonyms in the novels of Ukrainian writers of the early 21st century.

In the Introduction the relevance of the dissertation topic has been substantiated, its purpose, tasks, object and subject have been formulated, the scientific novelty, theoretical value and practical value of the paper has been revealed, data on the approbation of research results has been gived, etc.

First, the thesis considers theoretical and methodological background necessary for the poetonyms’ research, where the issue of the poetonymology metalanguage (subchapter 1.1), the specific features of poetonyms and their functions in the text are uncovered (subchapter 1.2). The paper also outlines the methodology of the poetonyms research in the modern Ukrainian authors’ novels (subchapter 1.3), the concepts of the female prose and mass literature in modern literary criticism works (subchapter 1.4).

In addition, the paper highlights the anthropoetonyms significance in the modern Ukrainian female prose writers works (subchapter 2.1), the structural-semantic and functional-stylistic peculiarities of personal names (subchapter 2.2), the zoopoetonyms functioning in the texts (subchapter 2.3).

Moreover, the research concentrates on the topopoetonyms stylistic features relevant for the charactersʼ and text creation (subchapter 3.1) and the pragma- and ideopoetonyms functions on different levels of the text (subchapter 3.2).

The results of the poetonyms study of modern Ukrainian writers’ novels have been presented in the Conclusions; the prospects for further studying the peculiarities of Ukrainian poetonymy have been defined.


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