Syntactic Organization of Pronoun-correlated Sentences with Nonsymmetrical Structure.


  • A. V. Onatii


complex pronoun-correlated sentence, relative word, correlative word, correlative pair, pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure, co-wordcorrelated connection, semantic-syntactic relations, syntactical projection


This thesis is the first comprehensive study of complex pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure. The research is based on defining the complex pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure as a complex construction which contains a correlative block with a pronominal (or another pronominalised part of speech) functioning as a correlative word that is not semantically equivalent to the relative word, which enables the formation of a coword-correlated connection. The thesis specifies typological features of the units in question, establishes descriptive terminology; identifies the mechanism of the coword-correlated connection formation enabling the distinction between three types of this connection: one with a syntagmatically strong relative word, one with a syntagmatically weak relative word, and a mixed one; inventories correlative blocks, which constitute formal-grammatical models of pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure; highlights the criteria of semantic nonidentity of block elements; clarifies the semantic-syntactic relations accounting for the formation of a correlative word projection and the filling of a syntactic orientation of a relative word, which allows for a complex classification of pronoun-correlated constructions with non-symmetrical structure. For the first time in Ukrainian linguistics, this study describes sentences with correlative and relative words that are semantically equal but form different syntactic projections and orientations and, thus, situate this type of sentence in an intermediate position between symmetrical and non-symmetrical constructions. For the classification of such units the term “half-symmetrical pronoun-correlated sentences” is proposed.


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