Personnel management system transformation of international companies under conditions of the socio-cultural globalization.


  • M. E. Shkurat


соціо-культурна глобалізація, менеджмент персоналу, міжнародна компанія, трансформація, нова економіка, компанія майбутнього, інтелектуальний капітал, людський капітал, людський розвиток


Thesis is dedicated to perfection of theoretical and methodological principles of the socio-cultural globalization and development of research and practice recommendations of personnel management system transformation of international companies under conditions of the socio-cultural globalization.

In the first chapter "Theoretical and methodological imperatives of personnel management under conditions of the socio-cultural globalization" the methodological principles of the globalization of world economic development from different points of view (hyperglobalists, transformists, skeptics and antiglobalists) were analyzed, that allowed to determine the multidimensionality of this concept. It was proposed to consider it simultaneously as a civilizational and economic phenomenon that unites humanity into a planetary community and manifests itself in the economic, political and socio-cultural dimensions.

In the second chapter "Empiric researches of the personnel management systems transformation of international companies under socio-cultural globalization" scales and effects of development of the socio-cultural globalization due to the analysis of positioning of countries by the index of social progress, index of human development, the volumes of the use of Internet and social networks are determined. It is determined, that a new economic paradigm results in the acceleration of social and economic processes, and the displays of socio-cultural globalization are seen in a greater degree in the developed countries, regardless to countries that developing countries (mainly of Asia), reach a new level not only by the degree of public welfare and integration in the global environment but also able to form the new civilization paradigm based on economic, technological and social leadership.

In the third chapter "Directions of development of international companies under conditions of the socio- cultural globalization" with the aim of verification of the hypothesis in relation to existence of dependence between the degree of development of innovative sphere in a country and the level of development of human potential, the integral coefficient of innovative development was offered and calculated, the factor analysis of Index of human development was conducted, as a result of what made a conclusion about partial authenticity of the hypothesis (for developing countries – China and Ukraine) and about the mutual closeness of economy of these countries (on descriptions of the bureaucratic system, type of development of the innovative system, by the degree of development of human resource etc,).


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