Structural transformation of the model of economic development of Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges.


  • I. O. Usyk


globalization, globalization challenges, economic development, economic growth, structural transformation, structural changes


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical and methodical principles and the development of scientific and practical recommendations on the structural transformation of the model of economic development in Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges.

The theoretical principles of the development of the socioeconomic system in the context of global challenges are researched, scientific views on the economic development models are systematized, which allowed to highlight the peculiarities of the model of economic development of Ukraine in order to develop the mechanism of its structural transformation. On the basis of the theoretical study of the process of structural transformation of the model of the development of the national economy, its concept has been built, implementation of which will ensure full utilization of the potential of the national economy and positive changes in its structure in the languages of globalization challenges. The tendencies of development of the modern world economy in the conditions of globalization challenges are determined, factors of economic cyclical development of Ukraine under conditions of globalization are researched and the analysis of structural transformation of countries of the world and Ukraine in the conditions of globalization has been analyzed. The priorities of the economic development are formulated in the context of globalization challenges, namely economic, financial and social. The system of econometric models of the development of the Ukrainian economy for the types of activities in Ukraine such as agriculture, construction, transport and communication, the sphere of services, on the basis of which the forecasting of the structure of the Ukrainian economy by the types of activities was forecast by 2022, was proposed. The mechanism of structural transformation of the model of economic development of Ukraine under the conditions of globalization challenges is developed, which is intended for practical implementation of the state policy of development of the national socioeconomic system.


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