Structural transformation of the model of economic development of Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges.


  • I. O. Usyk


globalization, globalization challenges, economic development, economic growth, structural transformation, structural changes


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical and methodical principles and the development of scientific and practical recommendations on the structural transformation of the model of economic development in Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges.

In the first chapter «Theoretical principles of the structural transformation of economic development in the context of globalization challenges», the categorical concept «development of the socio-economic system» was analyzed; systematic and generalized scientific views on the economic content of economic development models; the concept of structural transformation of the model of the development of the economy in the conditions of global challenges is formed.

The theoretical principles of the development of the socio-economic system in the context of global challenges have been investigated, which has made it possible to determine the multidimensionality of this concept and proposes to consider the development of the economy in the conditions of globalization challenges as a natural, directed and qualitative change in the parameters of the economic subsystem of society as a result of the complication of the structure of the system in order to reduce resources on input to get the unit of the end result at the output of the system.

With the purpose of forming the conceptual foundations of the structural transformation of the model of development of the national economy in the context of globalization challenges, the scientific views on the models of economic development have been systematized, which has allowed to highlight the peculiarities of the model of economic development of Ukraine in order to develop the mechanism of its structural transformation.

Under structural transformation one should understand, on the one hand, the process of restructuring the economy, characterized by an interval indicator – a structural cycle, and on the other – changes associated with globalization (systemic) challenges. At the same time, the structural pre-construction of the socio-economic system takes place in four stages: a structural crisis; structural change; structural shift; structural reform.

On the basis of the theoretical study of the process of structural transformation of the model of the development of the national economy, its concept was constructed, which contains four main components of the level: theoreticalmethodological, methodical, instrumental-model, organizational. Realization of the concept of structural transformation of the model of Ukraine's economic development will ensure full utilization of the potential of the national economy and positive changes in its structure in the languages of globalization challenges.

In the second chapter «Empirical studies of structural transformation of the model of economic development of countries in the context of globalization challenges» the trends of the modern world economy under the conditions of globalization challenges are determined, factors of economic cyclical development of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization are investigated and the analysis of the structural transformation of the countries of the world and Ukraine in the conditions of globalization has been analyzed.

The analysis of the state of the modern world economy, which allowed to reveal the general tendencies of its development. It is determined that contemporary world economic development is characterized by globalization challenges, which are controversial, uneven development of separate regions and the cyclicality of world dynamics.

It is substantiated that trade and investment are the leaders of the economic recovery. Having analyzed the growth rates of FDI in the world and groups of countries, it has been found that the main drivers of global economic development are developed countries, while developing countries are most sensitive to changes in the global economic situation.

The analysis of trade trends of transition economies in the world economy has made it possible to identify Kazakhstan as a country that had the largest spectrum of exported products in 2017 and Albania as a country whose export and import structure is very close to the world. As for Ukraine, it exports and imports a wide range of goods, but according to the structure it corresponds to the world only by 40%. The econometric model of world GDP and private investment, capital investment, consumer spending, exports and imports is formed, which will allow forecasting GDP and developing preventive measures to prevent negative manifestations of the global cyclical economic development.

On the basis of the analysis of the factors of the economic cyclicality of Ukraine's development, it has been found that partial stabilization of macroeconomic indicators makes it impossible to secure it from probable financial and economic shocks: the destruction of the investment attractiveness of the state, devaluation of the hryvnia, low purchasing power due to a decrease in living standards, and the balance of foreign trade. An estimation of the structural transformation of the country's economy based on the assessment of the socioeconomic-institutional components of the SES (Bertelsmann index), changes in the employment structure in the country's economy (Ryabtsev index), and GDP of the country (the indexes of Salai, Gatev and Ryabtsev).

The third chapter «Perspective directions of structural transformation of the model of economic development of Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges» identified prospective directions on optimal model of Ukraine's economic development in the context of globalization challenges, substantiated the modeling of the structural transformation of Ukraine's economy under the conditions of globalization challenges, and developed a mechanism for structural transformation of the model of economic development in Ukraine in the face of globalization challenges.

According to the results of the analysis of software and strategic documents defining the vector of Ukraine's development and illustrating the evolutionary change of the priority goals of socio-economic development, priorities of the optimal model of Ukraine's economic development under the conditions of globalization challenges, namely economic, financial and social ones, are highlighted. It has been proved that in addition to strategic priorities, it is necessary to identify transformations that should be considered as targets of a lower level, and the necessary transformations and conditions for the actions of the Ukrainian economy development are proposed.

The system of econometric models of the development of the Ukrainian economy for the types of activities in Ukraine such as agriculture, construction, transport and communication, the sphere of services, on the basis of which the forecasting of the structure of the Ukrainian economy by the types of activities was forecast by 2022, was proposed.

The mechanism of structural transformation of the model of Ukraine's economic development under the conditions of globalization challenges is developed, which is intended for practical implementation of the state policy of development of the national socio-economic system, which consists of the following elements: definition of the priorities of the socio-economic policy of the state, development of the basis of this model of implementation of the basic provisions of the sustainable the development of the national socio-economic system, the scientific methodological approach to ensuring the sustainable development of the national socio-economic system, organizational support and information component of sustainability management mechanism.


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