Transformation of the World Labor Market under the Conditions of Digitalization.


  • S. I. Tul


globalization, global digital ecosystem, digitalization, digitalized labor market, Labor Market Digitalization Index, world labor market, technologicalization, transformation of the world labor market, digital economy


The dissertation is devoted to developing theoretical and methodological foundations for the transformation of the world labor market and making scientific and practical recommendations regarding the assessment of the level of digitalization of national labor markets, and the effective integration of the Ukrainian labor market in the process of digitalization of the global economy.

The essence of digitalization as a modern phenomenon and a process that extends dynamically to all spheres of society life and is at the same time a decisive prerequisite for the development of the global economy is identified. A systemic view on the evolution of the world labor market, which takes place under the influence of the economy digitalization is formed. The spread of intellectual labor as the basis for sectoral changes in the world economy and the labor market structure is dedicated.

The modern specifics of labor activity is identified. The objectivity of the emergence of new forms of labor organization under the conditions of digitalization of the economy is proved. The geoeconomic tendencies of economy and labor market digitalization are analyzed. The methodology of the expert evaluation of labor market digitalization has been developed, described and tested, which provides for calculating the Labor Market Digitalization Index – an aggregate index formed as the average of seven standardized indicators evaluating employment rate in services, employment rate in knowledge-intensive services, ICT access, ICT use, ICTs and organizational model creation, ICT services exports, and digitally-deliverable services exports. The application of this methodology made it possible to determine the world level of labor market digitalization, to rank countries by the specified feature, to group them and to justify the finding about the degree of ability of each country to provide the necessary conditions for employment growth through the introduction of digital technologies and construction of digital ecosystem.

The function of the economy digitalization in solving the problems of the globalized labor market is defined. The methodology for determining the degree of formation of the digitalized labor market, based on grouping the countries by the criterion of per capita income, has been improved. A unified multi-factor regression model was applied to the analysis for the selected country groups. The logically ordered toolkit allowed us to evaluate the level of the development of the «gig economy» («on-demand economy», «sharing economy») and, based on the data from the Global Commission on the Future of Work and the World Bank Group, to form a systematized set of measures for national reforms aimed at transforming the labor relations in the globalized labor market. The state and prospects of the development of the digitalized labor market in Ukraine are analyzed.


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