Economic and Legal Groundwork of the Stimulation of the Alternative Energy Production.


  • O.I. Kulyk


alternative energy sources, production of the electricity from the alternative energy sources, production of the heat energy from the alternative energy sources, legal stimulation, economic and legal tools of the stimulation


In Chapter 1 «Theoretical and legal bases of economic and legal groundwork of the stimulation of the alternative energy production» it is proposed to determinate alternative energy production as an object of stimulation as an economic activity of energy production using alternative energy sources to the electricity or heat energy on alternative energy objects with the purpose of its realization.

Additionally, it is grounded that the definitions concerning the alternative sources of energy need to be unified, thus it is proposed to insert the definition «non-conventional» energy sources to «alternative» energy sources; to insert the definition «inexhaustible» sources to «renewable» sources.

The notion of economic and legal tools of stimulation of the alternative energy production is defined. The types of economic and legal tools of stimulation of alternative 

energy production are specified based on the analysis of domestic and foreign legislation.

The legal base of economic and legal groundwork of stimulation of the alternative energy production is summarized.  That base includes general and special rules regulating relations between energy companies in the field of energy and alternative energy in particular. The directions of improvement of the legislation concerning the stimulation of alternative energy production are specified.

In Chapter 2 «Subjects, conditions and procedure of the stimulation of the alternative energy production» it is specified and classified the range of subjects incenting alternative energy production, that includes: authorized state bodies; local governments; banks and other enterprises, institutions, organizations.

The exclusion of local state administrations from the circle of incentive subjects is justified. The characteristics inherent to the incentive subjects in the sphere of alternative energy production are specificated.

It is argued that entities to be applied economic and legal tools of stimulation of electricity production using alternative sources are economic entities producing electricity from alternative sources and consumers of electricity (energy cooperatives and private households); in the field of heat energy production – only economic entities.

It is grounded the division of the conditions of the stimulation of the alternative energy production into general and special ones. It is concluded that the general conditions are common for all of the economic and legal tools of the stimulation of the alternative energy production; meanwhile, the special conditions for each economic and legal tools of stimulation are established separately.

It is emphasized on the dependence of the procedure of the stimulation and the economic and legal tools of stimulation of such energy production; the procedure of applying of each of the tools of the stimulation of the alternative energy production is specified.

The improvement of the feed-in tariff setting and recalculation is substantiated; proposals for the regulation of the procedure on the investment grants obtaining as an economic and legal tool of the stimulation of the alternative energy production are formulated.

In Chapter 3 «Termination of the stimulation and liability for violations of legislation on the alternative energy production» it is specified that termination of the stimulation of the alternative energy production may have objective essence (expiry of the feed-in tariff), subjective essence (will of the stimulated subject) or may be the result of the application of legal liability measures, which may effect the refunding of the stimulation in the form of repaying the incentive or charge of taxes, fees, and payments being chargeable without the tax benefit.


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