Formation and factors of implementation of the state youth policy of Ukraine in the period 2014-2018.


  • H.I. Smokova


institutions of socialization, state youth policy, values, virtual space, youth


Youth is a special social category, which due to a set of psychophysiological characteristics that create the desire of the young generation for selfmanifestation and self-realization, needs comprehensive assistance and support from the state. This creates the need to analyze the current state of state youth policy formation and implementation in Ukraine during 2014-2018 as this period is characterized by a change in the value and meaning component of the Ukrainian society, a number of accompanying socio-political events and the desire of young people for a European way of life. It should be noted that the young generation is the main forwarder and carrier of post-material values because of the fundamentally different conditions of the initial stage of socialization and the subsequent personality formation. As a result, using the generational theory of American researchers N. Howe and W. Strauss, modern Ukrainian youth can be regarded as the Millennial generation (or Generation Y, Z). According to the basic principles of this theory, modern youth is the bearer of a different, more progressive and pragmatic worldview, which is conditioned by the rapid development of information and communication technologies as well as processes of democratization in the post-Soviet space. Therefore, given the diversity of socio-political conditions of the younger generation in North America and the Eurozone, it is worth adapting this generational theory to Ukrainian realities. Having analyzed the process of Ukrainian youth socialization, we are faced with the need to find out the specific impact of socialization institutions on the values and behaviors of the youth in Ukraine.

The thesis emphasizes the significance of the axiological factor in the process of general socialization of youth, whose influence is exacerbated by the excessive use of the Internet and social media. Thanks to the spread of the virtuality phenomenon in the real life and the reassessment of values, in the outlook of the modern young generation, we can observe a fallback to materialism, which is not conducive to the formation of democracy and the process of European integration. Much attention is paid to clarifying the role and functions of classical socialization institutions in a transitional period, where the emphasis is placed on the institute of education, during which a complex personality formation takes place. But with the expansion of communication tools, today's youth spend most of their leisure time not in educational activities, not with family or among friends, but prefer a virtual space that absorbs and fills the living space of society.

It is noted that the significant impact of virtual space (especially social media), makes youth a daily consumer of diverse content, among which material values are dominant. Thus, cyberspace is a collection of "public values" that become one of the leading tools of socialization alongside the classical institutions.

Thus, it can be stated that socialization institutions, which in a rapidly changing world should be divided into traditional and innovative, are a mechanism for implementing state youth policy at different levels of political power. Studying the specifics of youth policy-making through the level of trust, participation of the young people in social and political life and migration levels, we conclude that traditional socialization institutions (family, educational institutions, political parties, NGOs and media) have less influence on outlook of youth if compared to innovative ones (the Internet, social media, trends and brands), among which cyberspace in general is becoming dominant.

Therefore, it is possible to increase the level of trust and participation of the young people in social and political life, as well as to minimize emigration flows of the intellectual community by reorienting the vector of state youth policy formation in line with the challenges of today, focusing on the development of information and communication technologies and actively using the medium, where the younger generation spends most of its time.


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