An innovative component of the international competitiveness of global industrial products manufacturers.
innovations, international competitiveness of industrial companies, global knowledge economy, techno-globalism, diffusion of innovations, innovation policyAbstract
The dissertation is dedicated to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of research into the problem of innovative component formation and international competitiveness of global industrial products producers, as well as the development of scientific and practical recommendations for enabling the competitive advantages of national industrial products manufacturers in world markets within the framework of mechanisms implementation and development strategies transformation along with organizational structures and company culture.
Determinants of the global competitive environment in the age of the global knowledge economy formation and techno-globalism are established, as well as the place of the innovative component in the system of international competitiveness of industrial companies. The genesis directions of the diffusion of innovation theory are systematized as a basis for innovative development of countries and their economic branches.
The paper argues that the uneven dynamics of economic development fundamentally changed the traditional ideas about the essence and content of economic processes, which was caused by the impulsivity of the innovation process. Technological changes have become the subject of research for many economists, forming the basis of particular scientific and technical policies in many countries, which led to their development and economic leadership.
The research has investigated the determinants of modern innovation and industrial policies of countries. Global trends and dynamics of the global steel market were analyzed. The directions of innovative development in the steel sector of the world metallurgical industry were explored as well.
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