Economic and Legal Groundwork of the Stimulation of the Alternative Energy Production.


  • O.I. Kulyk


alternative energy sources, production of the electricity from the alternative energy sources, production of the heat energy from the alternative energy sources, legal stimulation, economic and legal tools of the stimulation, economic and legal liability


Target of the research is the social relations forming within the process of alternative energy production.

Subject of the research is the economic and legal groundwork of the stimulation of the alternative energy production.

In Chapter 1 «Theoretical and legal bases of economic and legal groundwork of the stimulation of the alternative energy production» it is proposed to determinate alternative energy production as an object of stimulation as an economic activity of energy production using alternative energy sources to the electricity or heat energy on alternative energy objects with the purpose of its realization.

In Chapter 2 «Subjects, conditions and procedure of the stimulation of the alternative energy production» it is specified and classified the range of subjects incenting alternative energy production, that includes: authorized state bodies; local governments; banks and other enterprises, institutions, organizations.

In Chapter 3 «Termination of the stimulation and liability for violations of the legislation on the alternative energy production» it is specified that termination of the stimulation of the alternative energy production may have objective essence (expiry of the feed-in tariff), subjective essence (will of the stimulated subject) or may be the result of the application of legal liability measures.

It is hereby recommended the reasons for applying the administrative-economic sanction in the form of cessation of the license for the entities operating in the sphere of alternative energy sources. The definition of non-flagrant breach of legislation on energy industry as well as the conditions and rules for business operation of the electricity supply as a basis for administrative and economic sanction, in the form of the cessation of the license is proposed.

The practical bearing of the obtained results lies in the expending of the theoretical understanding of the essence of the economic and legal groundwork of the alternative energy production; in the possibility of using of theoretical provisions and conclusions of the research in the legislative process with the purpose of improvement and systematization of the legislation of Ukraine on the economic and legal groundwork of the stimulation of the alternative energy production; in the practical activity of the entities producing alternative energy.


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