The Impact of State Policy on Migration Processes in Ukraine (2010 – 2017).


  • P. Bezuglyi


human capital of Ukraine, labour migration, migration processes, state policy, Ukrainians’ migration


The thesis provides a complex study of the impact of state policy on the formation of motivations of Ukrainian citizens in the context of their migration and departure with subsequent emigration.

The author proposed a scientific and methodological approach to the study of migration as an object of political science. The complex of statistical and sociological indicators that determine the state of the political system of Ukraine and the effectiveness of the state socio-economic policy is substantiated in the thesis. The identification of signs of migration movement dependence on the results of the state socio-economic policy is carried out in the paper. The author suggested differentiation of factors of influence on migration processes by groups (demographic, socioeconomic, socio-psychological, normative-legal, political) and periodization (2010- 2014 and 2014-2017) of indicators determining the directions and intensity of the mentioned dependencies. Modeling and forecasting of the indicators of the migration movement in Ukraine based on the substantiated parameters of their dependence on political and socio-economic factors are covered in the thesis.

It is proved that the migration dynamics of Ukrainians is the result not only of the domestic policy of Ukraine (as a donor country), but also of the foreign policy of the recipient countries – Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and others. The decrease or increase in the number of migrants is the result of socio-economic, educational, migration state policies.

The author found that an unstable political system was vulnerable to the loss of human capital. It has been proved that in the conditions of the systemic crisis in the country, external factors that cause the emigration of the best people, should be expected to activate and they would be formed as specific individual opportunities with a focus on success (professional growth, obtaining quality education and medical services, favourable conditions for starting a business, decent employment).

It has been proved that, in the face of a political crisis in society, social and economic factors of migration will be inferior to political ones, contributing to the forced migration of the political elite, although their impact on the development of the donor state may remain unchanged.


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