Surname Denominations and Surnames of Central Khmelnychchyna (Khmelnytskyi region) of the XVIIth −XXIst Сenturies.


  • O. M. Yushchyshyna


onym, surname denomination, surname, anthroponym, personal appellative, impersonal appellative, thematic group, lexico-semantic group, semantics, motivation, word-building, extra-linguistic factor


The thesis is devoted to the study of lexico-semantic, motivational and wordbuilding features of the surname denominations and surnames of Central Khmelnychchyna (Khmelnytskyi region) of the XVIIth − XXIst centuries.

The surname is interpreted as a type of anthroponym, an obligatory, documented, hereditary, official name of a person acquired at birth or when entering into a marriage, which indicates that a person belongs to a particular family.

It has been found that the surnames occupy an intermediate place between the names and nicknames by terms of etymological transparency; they are mostly motivated by personal names and, in their turn, are a formative base for geographical names, pragmatonyms and ideonyms.

The process of surnames formation lasted for several centuries, it was different in all Ukrainian territories and it covered various social strata not simultaneously. Therefore, we can confidently claim, that it were state institutions that played a decisive role in legal stabilization of surnames as hereditary family names.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact, that surname denominations and surnames of Central Khmelnychchyna (Khmelnytskyi region) have been studied comprehensively for the first time, in particular, the new anthroponymic material has been introduced into the scientific usage and analyzed; the lexico-semantic and motivational classifications of the surname nominations have been offered; the role of different layers of the appellative and the onym vocabulary in their formation has been revealed; structural features and contemporary means of their formation have been found; the most typical word-building patterns of anthroponyms have been determined; the regional features of the anthroponymycon of Central Khmelnychchyna (Khmelnytskyi region) and the influence of extra-linguistic factors on its formation have been defined. Thus, knowledge about lexico-semantic, motivational, word-building and structural classification of Ukrainian surnames has been verified and deepened on the basis of the new factual material. Made conclusions and generalizations deepen the knowledge about the system of surname denominations and surnames of Central Khmelnychchyna (Khmelnytskyi region) of the XVIIth − XXIst centuries, complete and specify the history of formation and development of the modern Ukrainian anthroponymycon, open the perspective for new scientific research.

The practical value of the obtained results lies in the fact, that the factual material may be used to compile the complete dictionary and atlas of the surnames of Ukraine. The results of the research may be used in teaching special courses in onomastics and history of Ukrainian literary language, derivatology and historical lexicology in higher educational institutions, as well as in the process of preparation for optional classes at school and in the research paper of pupils, students and postgraduates.


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