Social potential of economic development of the industrial oriented area.


  • K. Nesvit


social potential, social potential of economic development, industrial oriented region, national system of post-industrial type, integrated index of social potential, mechanism of managerial influence


The thesis is devoted to the deepening of scientific and methodological bases, development of theoretical and methodological support and practical recommendations for the formation of social potential of economic development of the industrial oriented area within the national system of post-industrial type.

The study sets and solves the following tasks: formed a theoretical and methodological basis for the study of social potential as a key component of sustainable economic development; the role of social potential in the concept of post-industrial transformation of industry is substantiated; scientific and methodological approaches to the study of the social potential of the development of the industrial oriented region are generalized, the essence of the concept of «industrial oriented area» is defined; a structural assessment of the impact of social potential on the economic development of countries with a dominant industrial field of production is proposed; the factors of formation of social potential of economic development of the industrial oriented regions of Ukraine are analyzed; a balanced system of assessment of the social potential of economic development of the Dnipropetrovsk region as an industrial oriented area is proposed; the strategic directions of modernization of the social environment of industrial oriented areas development in the national system of post-industrial type are determined; the directions of managerial influence on conditions and factor-criterion characteristics of formation of social potential of region’s economic development are substantiated; methodological bases of application the social potential of the region concept to achieve economic stability have been formed.

The research novelty of the obtained results lies in the conceptual substantiation of the problem to form social potential of economic development of the industrial oriented regions and improve its theoretical and methodological measurement tool, to develop the strategic directions of modernization the processes to form and apply social potential of industrial oriented areas under conditions of post-industrial nature of economic relations.


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