International mergers and acquisitions in measuring the effects of market power concentration.


  • A. Ivanov


international mergers and acquisitions (M&A), market power concentration, monopolization, competition, horizontal mergers and acquisitions, vertical mergers and acquisitions, synergetic effects for business, antitrust policy of countries


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological research principles on the development of international mergers and acquisitions (M&A) processes and their impact on the concentration of market power, and, consequently, on the interests of other market participants, including consumers, partners and competitors. The paper is also dedicated to the development of scientific and practical recommendations for the protection of competition in markets affected by dominant market power.

The conducted research made it possible to confirm the hypothesis about the positive impact of M&A processes on business efficiency through obtaining the effects of operational, financial synergies, management, investment synergies, synergies of competencies; advantages of diversification of the effects of intraindustry (horizontal mergers and acquisitions) and intersectoral concentration of market power (vertical mergers and acquisitions). At the same time, the growth of a dominant position or monopoly market power allows companies to set monopoly prices, the growth of which is not related to the objective process of cost growth.


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