International economic security of countries in the context of sustainable development.


  • O. M. Hарieieva


international economic security; sustainable development; international security environment; development security strategies of the world countries


The scientific and methodological study foundation and provision of the world countries’ economic security are considered. The genesis of economic security theories is investigated, models of international economic security are determined, institutional support of international security of the environment is considered. The concept of international economic security multidimensionality is substantiated, which, in contrast to the clearly defined traditional state-centric concept, takes into account the inherent properties of security as a system, as a state and as a process. The institutional support of international environment security is considered, the mechanism of which is formed by the appropriate institutions and instruments.

The new paradigm formation of international economic security in the context of sustainable development is investigated. The determinants of international economic security are identified, it is proposed to consider them as processes, phenomena or events that affect the state of the country’s economic security. The economic, ecological, geopolitical, social, technological determinants of the modern international economic security development are characterized. In defining development the conceptual approaches to the study of international economic security, it is proposed to use an integration approach that provides for a comprehensive analysis based on the use of methodological tools for multidimensional assessment, which resulted in the construction of an integral security index.

The global trends that pose the greatest threats to the country’s economic security are analyzed, current state of international security assessment of the environment is made, and the influence of global determinants on the formation of international economic security is investigated. A comparative analysis of the economic component of developed and developing countries’ security development strategies is performed. It is determined that, despite the national security strategies differentation, there is an increase in the degree of their homogeneity, which is due to an increase in the global determinants influence of economic security common to all countries.

The main indicators of the economic security of countries are sorted, the social component assessment of ensuring sustainable development and countries’ security is given, the economic and environmental dimensions of the security development of the world countries’ economy are identified and analyzed. It is proved that the country’s security is inextricably linked with sustainable development, ensures its independence, stability and constancy and sustainability. It is proposed to differentiate indicators of international countries’ economic security by the direction of impact, the systematic accounting of which allows not only to analyze the state and change in parameters of global environment security, but also to comprehensively quantitatively assess the overall level of economic security of the country, it is substantiated that indicators of international economic security of countries are correlated with the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Concept.

The directions of the forming a multi-level model for ensuring international economic security are proposed. It is emphasized that the deepening of globalization has increased the need for international coordination and the creation of a global institutional framework. Practical measures have been developed to improve the economic security of countries in the context of sustainable development. The substantive and structural-component requirements for the strategy of economic security are determined. An information panel indicators of international economic security of Ukraine are built, its assessment level in the context of various components of security, security issues of Ukraine’s position in the system of international economic security of the world countries are determined by a set of economic, social and environmental indicators based on the calculation of integral security indices.


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