Word Formation of Political Neologisms in Ukrainian and English: a Comparative Aspect.


  • V. V. Hromovenko


political discourse; political neologism; ways of word formation; derivatives; thematic group; semantics; proper names; comparative analysis; contrastive studies; Ukrainian; English


The Introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, defines its object and subject, formulates the purpose and tasks, outlines the methods of analysis and sources of empirical material, presents a list of items to be defended, and reveals the novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the results.

The first chapter «Theoretical Grounds of Comparative Study of Political Neologisms in Ukrainian and English» outlines the theoretical and methodological principles of comparative study of Ukrainian and English political neologisms, defines the basic concepts of the study.

The second chapter «Morphological Word Formation of Political Neologisms of Ukrainian and English languages» is devoted to singling out and comparative analysis of derivational models of word formation of Ukrainian and English political neologisms.

The third chapter «The Semantic Way of Forming Ukrainian and English Political Neologisms» clarifies semantic ways of derivation of political neologisms of Ukrainian and English languages; presents the typology of political neologisms according to the semantic criterion.

The Conclusions present the main results of the study, identify common and divergent features of word formation of English and Ukrainian political neologisms, outline the prospects for their study in the cognitive plane.

The methods of analysis of neologisms offered in the study are substantiated by the purpose and tasks of the research.


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