Development of HRM-technologies in the new economy.
new economy; HRM-technologies; map of HRM-technologies; HRM-technologies in the new economy; digital economy; object fields of digitization of HRM-technologies; personnel management; personnel management technologies; personnel competencies; HR-functions; information ecosystemAbstract
The thesis is devoted to the deepening of scientific and methodological principles, development of theoretical and methodological support and practical recommendations for the development and use of HRM-technologies in the new economy.
The following tasks were set and solved in the research: the fundamental theoretical and methodological fundamentals of formation and development of the new economy were investigated; the major features were generalized, the classification of attributes and tendencies of the new economy in the context of influence on the development of HRM-technologies was offered; the theoretical principles of HRM-technologies development in the conditions of new economy were analyzed; the paper generalizes theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «HRM-technology»; the role of personnel as a strategic resource for the development of the new economy was considered; the nature of the influence of digitalization on the content and conditions of HRM-technologies application was investigated; a map of modern HRM-technologies was developed; the state and issues of using HRM-technologies in business structures, in the field of public administration and prospects of their modernization were analyzed; the model of information ecosystem of personnel management with the use of HRM-technologies was developed; a model for assessing the level of readiness of management staff to use new types of HRM-technologies has been developed; a model of functional transformation of the personnel department of a higher education institution under the influence of the development of HRM-technologies was developed, which became a model example of HRM-transformation of public institutions; typical competency gaps that slow down the development process of HRM-technologies in the new economy were identified and ways to compensate / overcome them were proposed. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to deepen theoretical and methodological provisions and develop scientific and practical recommendations on the content and dynamics of human resource management paradigms, development of HRM-technologies and study of new economy trends in the context of the analysis of modern HRM-technologies in different types of companies.
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