Regulation of economic activity of young people on the basis of their value orientations


  • O. Somyk


labor market; youth; economic activity of youth;values; value orientations; regulation of economic activity of young people


The thesis is devoted to development of theoretical and methodological approaches to scientific and practicalrecommendations on regulation of economic activity of youth on the ground of their value orientation. Scientific novelty of the obtained research results is in the deepening of theoretical basics and development of a set of scientific-practical recommendations for regulation of economic activity of the young people on the base of their value orientations.

In section 1 «Theoretical basis of regulation of economic youth activity in behavior paradigm of social development»the theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of «economic activity»are combined; studied evolution of concept«value orientations»and its essence in economic science; justified the role of value orientations as regulating factor of youth activity in behavior paradigm of social development.

In section 2 «Analysis of economic activity indicators and identifying value orientations of youth in Ukraine»analyzed the dynamics of economic activity of young people on the labor market of Ukraine; conducted social measurement of youth value sphere; defined the influence of youth value orientations on its economic activity.Analysis of situation on labor market of Ukraine in 2013-2019 showed that dynamics of youth economic activity is directly defined with the total conjuncture of labor market,and its level is different for youth groups of different age,and in 2019 in Ukraine its level was in range from 36,2%for age group of 15-24 years till 82%for age group 30-34 years(in general for population aged15-70 years,this index made 63,4%).

In section 3 «Priority directions of economic youth activity on the base of their value orientations»are substantiated the conceptual approaches to regulation of economic youth activity on the base of their value orientations, also are given recommendations for stimulating productive economic behavior of young people on labor market, proposed a mechanism of formation value orientations of youth which provides the active behavior on labor market.


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