Determinants of e-commerce development in theconditions of global digitalization.
e-commerce; information globalization; digitalization; information and communication technologies;value chains; virtual companies; business networksAbstract
The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of researching the issue of e-commerce development and designing scientific and practical recommendations for providing competitive advantages of national business by implementing strategies of its adaptation to the process of global information digitalization.
The determinants of the transformations of information globalization in the digital age were investigated. The integration directions of digital technologies were systematized into value chains in global business, which include the sphere of interaction with clients, the sphere of operational processes, and the sphere of building a business model. The essence and features of e-commerce were determined. The definition of the term "e-commerce" was clarified, which is proposed to imply any type of trade and business, trade, commercial and intermediary activities, participation in trade, sale of goods, real estate, securities, services for profit performed remotely by using information and telecommunication systems.
The world tendencies of integration of information and communication technologies in the organization of activity of international companies were also investigated. The global trends of e-commerce development in the context of information globalization were analyzed. The determinants of e-commerce development in Ukraine were identified. The channels of e-commerce influence on the inclusiveness of economic development were established. The dissertation confirms the hypothesis of the impact of e-commerce on the inclusive component of sustainable development of countries, in particular poverty reduction in all its forms, providing comprehensive and quality education; expanding opportunities for lifelong learning; promoting sustainable economic growth; productive employment and decent work; sustainable infrastructure development, as well as reducing inequality.
Approaches to modeling business processes of virtual organization have been developed, namely: quantitative tools for modeling the efficiency of a virtual enterprise, which include an algorithm for correlation-regression, cluster analysis and system-dynamic modeling for determining the most important triggers of a virtual enterprise business model, based on the results of which, the predominant impact of the cost of establishing a virtual enterprise and the cost of attracting partners to generate revenue for virtual companies were determined.
Approaches for further development of state policy in the field of digital transformations and support of e-business development were generalized.
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