Impact of the regional synergy integration on the development of the transnationalization in the countries of South-Eastern Europe.


  • Ye. I. Sozinova


regional integration; synergy; transnationalization; convergence; transnationalization potential; countries of South-Eastern Europe; investment flows; investment potential


The dissertation is dedicated to the elaboration of approaches to the development of the transnationalization potential of the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the paradigm of the influence of regional synergy integration.

The genesis of the research methodology of the nature and essence of transnationalization was determined. The synergy determinants of the regional economic integration influence on the formation of investment flows were generalized. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the impact of regional integration on the transnationalization potential of countries were systematized. The key research categories for the development of regional investment architecture were clarified, namely the concepts of «potential for a country’s transnationalization», «synergy of regional integration».

The role of foreign direct investment in the formation of investment potential of European countries was determined. The transformation directions in the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the architecture of European regional processes were determined. The degree of convergence in the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the conditions of European integration processes was analyzed.

The methodological approach to assessing the potential of countries’ transnationalization was improved, which includes: the proposed integrated indicator of transnationalization potential, that is the average of five standardized variables characterizing the degree of resource provision of transnational development potential, market size, attractiveness of the financial sector, and the algorithm of application of these indicators in order to rank countries according to the degree development and use of their existing potential.

A mechanism has been developed to stimulate the development of the transnationalization potential in the countries of South-Eastern Europe, which includes levers to stimulate the realization of synergy potential from strengthening competitive advantages at the national and regional levels, and FDI incentive policy. Approaches to the formation of Ukraine's integration priorities in the region of South-Eastern Europe by spatial and sectoral areas were substantiated, namely conclusions were made on the existence of the most important grounds for the development of interregional and intra-sectoral cooperation of Ukraine with Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Turkey in such spheres as tourist services, agro-industrial sector, implementation of joint programs of sustainable development in the Black Sea.


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