Structural and Semantic Peculiarities of Idioms with the Component Denoting Inorganic Matter in the English and Ukrainian Languages.


  • I. M. Zapukhlyak


idiom; structural model; substantival; verbal; adjectival; adverbial; interjectional; isomorphic; allomorphic; concept


The thesis sheds some light on the comparative study of idioms with the component denoting inorganic matter in the English and Ukrainian languages. Inorganic matter is defined as the scope of non-manmade objects characterized by no biological processes.

The study describes structural peculiarities of idioms with an inorganic matter component in the English and Ukrainian languages. The results of the analysis prove the existence of isomorphic and prevailing allomorphic features. The latter may be caused by linguistic reasons such as the differences in the grammatical rules of the studied languages that predetermine certain phenomena such as the existence of phrasal verbs and the gerund, a more common functioning of compound words and the extended usage of prepositions in the English language. A more flexible word order in the Ukrainian language allows the prepositioning of the depended elements regarding the main ones and the possibility of synthetic formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives. The extralinguistic reasons that account for the allomorphic structural models are the English speakers’ tendency to characterise people with the help of prepositional phrases that indicate their location, whereas Ukrainians characterise people in terms of their behaviour using mostly verb phrases. The metascientific reasons that influence the structure distinctions manifest themselves in the tradition of English linguists to include the proverbs, compound words and some types of the comparative constructions into the scope of phraseology.

The most numerous are those idioms that have a word combination structure which can be can be predetermined by their cognitive simplicity that allows using them easily in the communication. They are divided into substantival, verbal, adjectival, adverbial and interjectional idioms.

Verbal idioms are the most numerous in both studied languages. The biggest isomorphic structures represent the use of verbs with direct and indirect objects. The least numerous are interjectional idioms that do not have denotative meaning, but express speakers’ emotions or their attitude towards a certain object or a situation.

The sentence-structured idioms with an inorganic matter component are less numerous in English and Ukrainian since their quite extended structure restricts the possibility of them being repetitively used in speech. The lexical idioms with an inorganic matter component manifest themselves only in the English language due to the fact that Ukrainian linguists define idioms as word combinations, but not compounds.

The analysis of the semantics of the idioms with an inorganic matter component in the English and Ukrainian languages allows to claim that they verbalize 73 concepts, 47 of which are the isomorphic ones. The extralinguistic reasons of the allomorphic features may be predetermined by the geographical locations of the counties the speakers of the analyzed languages live in. The other reason is the acquisition of a greater cultural significance by certain inorganic matter objects during the development of the two cultures.


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