Ukraine’s Image Formation Policy in the Information Space of Foreign States After 2014.


  • А.О. Osmolovska


image of the state; vision of the country; information presence of Ukraine in the media; information space of foreign states; image formation policy; indicators of analysis of the state image; communication models “State-Region-District”


The complex research of Ukraine’s image formation policy in the information space of foreign states is made. The Ukraine’s external image formation policy is a combination of real mechanisms and purposeful actions for the formation and promotion of the set of ideas (images, associations, interpretations) about it in the information space. Emphasis is placed on the subjects and results of such a policy. Even in the absence or weakness of the state policy of image formation and promotion in the information space of foreign states, the Ukraine’s image is formed, but not by Ukraine. The loss of Ukraine’s control over its information space and over the process of external image formation of the state defines the chronological boundaries of the study. Change of the attitude of world political actors and border states to Ukraine after 2014, the transformation of the key image of the state into "territory of war" is not only a consequence of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also exacerbation of systemic crisis, erosion of power, social insecurity, deprivation of society, lack of a comprehensive state image policy.

The research proves that the state policy of Ukraine needs to be adjusted in the abovementioned context by strengthening local images and national values, actual associations and identifications of Ukrainians. It should be a common cause of government, business and community. The key thesis of the qualifying scientific work is the understanding of urgent activation of all resources and stakeholders to adjust the external image of Ukraine. The research appeals to the civil sector and business, government institutions, diplomatic missions and diasporas around the world to unite them to restore a positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians.


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