Innovative transformations in the agro-industrial sector during the challenges of global sustainable development.


  • Ya. V. Korovii


agro-industrial sector; global sustainable development; innovations; innovative transformation; international agrifood markets; state and international policy


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological research basics of innovative transformations in the agro-industrial sector and development of scientific and practical recommendations on international and state policy to ensure their compliance with the challenges of global sustainable development.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of the essence and nature of innovations were generalized. The development genesis of innovation theory was systematized. The directions of influence of innovative transformations in the agro-industrial sphere on achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals were defined. Theoretical and methodological basics for researching the directions of introduction of certain innovation types within realization of innovative strategies of agro-industrial enterprises were improved, namely: the taxonomy of communications between agro innovation strategies, types of innovations implemented according to each strategy and challenges of global sustainable development, which are resolved by each of the innovation strategies presented in the systematization.

The current challenges of global sustainable development for the global agro-industrial sector were studied. Trends of the developing tendencies in international agri-food markets were identified. The influence directions of innovative development in the agro-industrial sector as a factor of ensuring global sustainable development were generalized. The grouping of countries was performed according to the models of innovative development of the agro-industrial sector and the corresponding impact on their sustainable development. This was obtained by applying the method of cluster analysis, which identified a cluster of countries with highly innovative agro-industrial sector, characterized by high yields, low resource costs, high level of innovation spending and respectively - high living standards.

The issues of sustainable development in the agro-industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy were researched. Approaches for the formation of directions of state and international policy to support the development of innovative transformations in the agro-industrial sector were developed, namely a set of political, economic, legal, administrative levers. An algorithm for modeling the impact of innovation in the agro-industrial sector on global sustainable development was proposed.


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