Financial maintenance of the management potential development of the enterprise


  • R.P. Humeniuk


the managerial potential of the enterprise; the potential of management staff; financial maintenance for development; innovative component of managerial potential; information component of managerial potential; potential for corporate culture development; balanced system of indicators; information ecosystem; leadership model; human-centred approach; innovative work; the ecosystem of personnel development and corporate culture of the enterprise


The study has been conducted to deepen scientific and methodological approaches to understanding the essence and components of the management potential of the enterprise and its financial maintenance, development of a holistic management system and practical recommendations for the development of management capacity based on corporate values.
The thesis addressed the following tasks: the essence of the main categories of research, such as "managerial potential of the enterprise", the components of the managerial potential of the enterprise and features of their development are defined; the methods and tools for the development of managerial potential of the enterprise have been systematized, in particular, a scientific and methodological approach to building a system of balanced indicators of managerial potential development have been proposed and substantiated; the experience of management potential development of the enterprises illustrated by the example of well-known successful foreign corporations and their recommendations of its maintenance in digital economy are investigated; the general model of management of administrative potential development of the enterprise is formed; the main determinants of management capacity development and its financial maintenance are identified; the results of activities of enterprises according to the indicators of economic activity of enterprises and the development of management potential in accordance with the stages of the life cycle of the enterprise are analyzed and evaluated; the methods of reasonable choice of strategic programs and projects for the development of management potential of the enterprise and its financial support, as well as recommendations for their implementation are enhanced; the scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of management capacity development as a part of the quality management system in the description of management processes, taking into account the identification of process ownership, the costs of its implementation, qualification of process participants, an automation level and the possibilities of updating and improving the process in the management system are substantiated; the peculiarities of the internal management system of financial resources on the basis of budgeting for the development of managerial potential in accordance with the goals, expected results and costs of management processes, and projects of the enterprise are presented


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