Implementation of Decentralization Practices in the Context of «Bottom-up Policy» Formation in Ukraine


  • А.P. Hyzhko


decentralization; territorial communities; «bottom-up policy»; national and local specificity of decentralization implementation; locality; «authority-community-business»; participatory democracy; principle of subsidiarity; indicators of the efficiency of state decentralization policy; Vinnytsia Region


The maturity of modern political systems has a number of indicators, including the model of the relationship between state and society. Such indicators as the development of civil society in terms of the influence of its institutions, the sense of protection of the population (social, legal, informational, etc.), the level of political and legal culture, the status of civic education, the state migration balance, real practices of the realization of constitutional law to manage the territory by communities can be considered as characteristics of this model. The last indicator has an interdisciplinary nature in Ukraine: both in the context of theoretical and methodological approaches to scientific study, and in the implementation practices themselves. To manage the territory and feel like a master on one's own land means to build such a harmonious policy, where the community is an effective business entity, local authorities are legitimate actors who are able to make decisions and responsibly implement them in the interests of the community and the state, have a legal support and assistance by the state for decentralized practices and security vector of development. In view of the above, the implementation of decentralization practices in Ukraine has some results already. The study of these results would allow scholars and practitioners to talk about the Ukrainian way of decentralization, to understand the reasons of reform incompleteness, to outline the promising steps in the context of «bottom-up policy» formation in Ukraine.


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