Formation of sustainable innovative development of the national economy


  • A.V. Vorona


sustainable innovative development; national economy; innovation; innovation policy; innovation potential; innovation risk


The thesis is devoted to the substantiation of the formation principles of sustainable innovative development of the national economy on the basis of the development of methodological, conceptual and applied components, taking into account the approaches that form and determine the innovative prospects for the development of the Ukrainian economy.

In the first chapter, a study was conducted and the author's vision of defining the sustainable innovative development of the national economy as its permanent state based on the concept of self-sustained development, characterized by systemic controllability, a highly competitive economic environment and the goal of ensuring and maintaining the maximum flow of total income in the short and long term, was formulated based on the use of limited resources, preserving the ability of the ecological system to heal itself and dynamically adapt social and cultural systems to changes. This vision is systemic, comprehensive and allows to cover the promising areas of innovativeness of sustainable development of the national economy.

In the second chapter, the analysis of the structure of scientific research in Ukraine demonstrates a reduction in the share of research performers against the background of the absence of a mechanism for co-financing of innovative projects by the state and private structures, limited requests for funding of research developments, limiting their formal participation of scientists in the production of innovations is a real opportunity be completed and implemented. It is noted that the need of Ukrainian enterprises for innovation at the expense of the domestic market is partially satisfied, which is confirmed by the analysis of innovation processes in Ukraine by industry and business entity, indicating a low share of innovative enterprises in business.
In the third chapter, the conceptual foundations of the national innovation policy are formed, taking into account the institutional and infocommunication structure of sustainable innovative development, which are based on the goals of sustainable innovative development of the national economy, the specified goals, which should be considered in the form of planes that form the innovation space through a three-dimensional coordinate system and the first order (scientific, economic, production) participants in innovation processes and the second order (strategic, socio-ecological, gnostic), reflecting the corresponding stage of the formation of the innovation space.


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