Management of university competitiveness in the market of educational services


  • N.N. Kobidze


university’s competitiveness; university’s competitiveness management; educational services market; educational service; competitive environment; promotion of university educational services; risks of educational services market entities; risk management strategy; competitiveness management mechanism; competitiveness management tools; competitiveness improvement directions


The thesis is devoted to the substantiation and development of theoretical and methodological support, scientific and methodological bases and practical recommendations for managing the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services.
The study sets and solves tasks: clarifies the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study of the university’s competitiveness in the educational services market; essence, factors, principles and risks of university’s competitiveness management are determined. There are systematized scientific approaches to determining the characteristics of the educational services market as a competitive environment for the functioning of the university. The peculiarities of the development of the educational services market of Ukraine are investigated. The influence of the competitive environment on the functioning of a modern university is analyzed. It is made an assessment of the competitiveness of the university in the educational services market. The mechanism of university’s competitiveness management in the educational services market is developed. Recommendations for improving the methods of promoting educational services of the university and proposals for the development of a strategy for overcoming the risks of the university are substantiated.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the deepening of theoretical and methodological provisions and the development of scientific and practical recommendations for managing the competitiveness of the university in the educational services market.


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