The legal status of the holdings.


  • N. V. Ibragimova


The dissertation is about of the legal status of holdings. In the work-reasoned conclusions about the concepts, types, purposes and functions of the holding company, the basic directions of improvement of the legislation regulating the status of holdings. Specific characteristics of the holding, the proposed definition of the holding carried out the division of the holdings on the species. The definition of the term «management of the holding», justified the introduction of the presumption of vicarious liability holding company for the liabilities of the corporate enterprise. Improved provisions on subsidiary economic and legal liability of holding company for the liabilities of the corporate enterprise. Further development of the provisions concerning the signs of the holding company as the participant of economic relations, division of holdings into types, directions of improvement of the legal framework regarding the status of the holding at the level of civil code of Ukraine, the Law «On holding companies in Ukraine» at the level of local normative acts.




