Management of labor productivity in the system of ensuring the quality of life of the population.


  • A. V. Yarchuk


productivity, quality of life, productivity management, quality of life of the population, assessment of the quality of life of the population, cognitive map, cognitive modeling, forecasting, quality of life management


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of conceptual and scientificmethodical foundations of labor productivity management and the development of practical recommendations on improving the quality of life on this basis.

The processes of the economy globalization and integration of Ukraine into the world international economic space require new approaches to the assessment of the quality of life of the population of Ukraine .A certain level of the quality of life is the guarantee of the increasing of the gross domestic of the country and the average welfare in particular. One of the most important indicators of the activity of any economic system is labor productivity. It is the main criteria of effectiveness of the economy and decisive condition of increasing the level of population.

The theoretical foundations of the definition of the content of socio-economic categories are investigated: «labor productivity», in contrast to existing ones, is defined as a characteristic of the existing prerequisites for the development of economic potential in order to improve the well-being of the population, emphasizing the social significance of the interdependence of the processes of productivity growth and quality of life; «quality of life» is defined as an integral indicator that characterizes the extent of investing the economic opportunities of society in improving the characteristics of the living conditions that are important to the population.

The conceptual and methodological principles of measuring the quality of life that provide for the identification of a system of indicators of quality of life are proposed, the main of which the author determines: quality of human capital, health of members of society, quality of housing, working conditions, accessibility of education, etc.; the feature of the methodical approach is the analysis of the indicators obtained on the basis of self-identification, the comparison of them with normative values and the generalization of the relevant expert assessments; the result is the systematization of the parameters of the influence of a plurality of factors on the quality of life of the population: demographic, environmental, educational, economic, parameters of the functioning of the labor market, health care, leisure, etc.

The application of the method of cognitive modeling and forecasting of the impact of labor productivity on the improvement of the quality of life of the population, the specific features of which is the consistent formalization of the processes of management of productivity and quality of life on the basis of structuring the content and parameters of the mutual conditioning of the processes, the construction of a cognitive map, the determination of the strength of the mutual influence of factors, development pulse simulation plan as the basis for choosing the desired development scenario. Constructed on the basis of cognitive analysis of the scenarios, one can conclude that the main factors influencing changes in the «quality of life» system are: productivity, labor conditions and education. The deterioration of the indicators of one of them leads to negative consequences in the system and, conversely, improvement - significantly increases the performance of other target factors of the system.

The theoretical and methodological principals of the research of the complex systems, including the systems of «labor productivity – the quality of life» are investigated with the help of the separation of the new direction of the behavior studying of the system by the method of the cognitive modeling, which includes the usage of expert, statistical methods of identification of the complex subject, the usage of methods of the graph theory usage of methods of the management theory, usage the methods of scenario, making decisions in the conditions of different kinds of uncertainties, facilitating the management of such complex systems as the labor productivity and the quality of life.

The theoretical and methodological and organizational and economical bases of the study of complex systems, which include the system «productivity - quality of life», are systematized, which is the basis for conducting scenario modeling of the system with the construction of its predicted change in the direction of improvement.

In order to measure the quality of life two methodological approaches to the population were identified. Within the first approach the person identifies and assesses the main criteria himself that determine the quality of life. It is possible to receive the information according to the estimates only with the help of the sociological research which reflects the attitudes of the population itself. In the second approach, the conditions are assessed on the basis of objective information (the quality of dwelling, conditions of work, accessibility of education), the system of social indicators are built, which can widely show the system of welfare compared with real conditions.

With the help of experts it was found that twelve main factors influence on the quality of life: labor productivity, incomes of population, unemployment, working conditions, demography, ecology, social guarantee (state support), education, inflation, health leisure, entertainment and life safety. A set of methods has been applied from simple extrapolation to foundation of economic-mathematical and imitation-heuristic models. It has proved that the most productive decision of the organization and complex systems management is the use of cognitive control.

The systematic approach to the factor formation as the main systems of indicator of the quality of life is substantiated and proposed, factors influencing the quality of life of the population of Ukraine. Such factors as demographic factors, changes of the economic level of the population activity, parameters of the labor market function, the labor productivity are quantified.

Studies show that the moderate growth rates of labor productivity recorded in Ukraine in the period of 2010–2017 became the result of maintaining of nearly the most stable volumes of gross value added against the reduction in the total number of economically acted and employed people at the age of 15-70-years old. It allowed to interpret the growth of productivity as the manifestation of economical adaptation to slow down the scale of economic activity with the use of less human potential. Such rates of growth of social productivity limit its positive influence on all spheres of the quality of life of the population of Ukraine.

On the basis of the proposed approach to the analysis of complex systems of mutual influence of indicators of labor productivity and quality of life, the nonlinear character of the impact of the growth of labor productivity on the quality of life has been revealed: the signs of atypical influence are demonstrated, which is characterized by the fact that actual productivity growth is a manifestation of adaptation of the economy to curtailment of the scale of economic activity, since there is no confirmation of the effect of the growth of social productivity on the quality of life on the set of criteria, that is, the growth of su limited productivity of the fields forms the economic conditions increase the quality of life.

Strategic priorities of labor productivity management in the system of providing quality of life on the basis of cognitive modeling and analysis of complex systems of mutual influence of indicators of productivity and quality of life are determined, which allow ensuring the quality and consistency of management decisions aimed at increasing the quality of life of the population.

The analysis and formalization of the content and structure in the quality of life management system are carried out, the results of which are presented as a mechanism that includes the components of the system of quality of life of the population determined by the author, a list and systematization of subjects, objects and methods of quality management of life; Variability of application of managerial decisions based on the results of scenario modeling and comparison of normative and subjective indicators is substantiated.

The mechanism of management of labor productivity in the system of ensuring the quality of life of the population is constructed, namely: the needs for management of labor productivity, directions for its increase and the planned level of growth are determined; systematized macro- and micro-factors on quality of life; the use of the proposed mechanism provides the implementation of cognitive modeling and scenario analysis.


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