Personnel management system transformation of international companies under conditions of the socio-cultural globalization.


  • M. E. Shkurat


socio-cultural globalization, management of the personnel, international company, transformation, new economy, company of the future, intellectual capital, human capital, human development


The dissertation is devoted to perfection of theoretical and methodological principles of the socio-cultural globalization and development of research and practice recommendations of transformation of the system of management of personnel of international companies under conditions of the socio-cultural globalization.

The methodological principles of globalization of world economic development were investigated. The theoretical approaches to the study of the socio-cultural dimension of globalization were systematized. The existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «personnel management» were generalized. An estimation of scales and effects of socio-cultural globalization had been carried out. The directions of influence of socio-cultural globalization on the indicators of human development and management system of the personnel of international companies were determined. The transformational dimension of the development of international companies under conditions of globalization was analyzed. The presented hypothesis was tested and an econometric modeling of human potential formation in the conditions of socio-cultural globalization was carried out. The perspective determinants of the transformation of the management system of international companies in the conditions of socio-cultural globalization had been identified.


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