Lexical-Semantic Field of Loci in Modern Ukrainian Literary Language.
lexical-semantic field, thematic group, lexical-semantic microfield, lexical-semantic microgroup, locus, space nominations, spatial semantics, nucleus, diffuse zone, peripheryAbstract
The thesis is devoted to the study of the loci lexical-semantic structure in modern Ukrainian literary language which is based on the application of lexicalsemantic field (hereafter LSF) method, combined with the continuous sampling method, the componential analysis methods, and the elements of quantitative calculations. The application of the above methods allows to develop a comprehensive stratification of the LSF under discussion, including the identification of lexical-semantic paradigmatic relations, the principal semes characteristic of various vocabulary groups, nucleus and periphery zones, identifying intrastructural overlapping zones within the paradigm sub-levels. As a result, the thesis compiles a thematic loci dictionary (including over 9,000 words) where the features are presented in the form of frameworks with quantitative characteristics and correlations on different vocabulary levels, thus forming the loci LSF in modern Ukrainian literary language (graphically represented in the form of radial diagrams).
The paper outlines existing scholarly approaches to the space semantics study and concentrates on the terminology used when identifying and classifying the loci. The research offers the term “locus” for the place and space names, clarifying and developing profoundly its linguistic definition which is based on the concept scrutinized properties, phenomena, and vocabulary which represent them. Also, considering the lack of a single approach to the identification and classification of the space nominations characteristics in modern linguistics, the paper carries out the analysis and develops unique identification and differential loci parameters which underlie the concept, i.e. a fundamental division of the lexical units semantics into two major groups “real space” and “virtual space”.
Also, the research outlines the loci potential implementation spheres and their reflection in the language, types of space, classification criteria, and a wide range of basic identification and distinctive features, which are further on grouped into blocks: recognition signs (what-system) – organisation signs or space types; location and dynamic signs (where-system). In their turn, the distinctive features enable to single out the nominations in question from the empirical material; applying the developed criteria for differentiating the empirical database, it becomes possible to categorise the loci on the basis of recognition, space organisation, and location (opposition between the real / virtual substance based on the features of objective / subjective, individual / social, natural / sociocultural markers, taking into account the space type within its horizontal and vertical localisation: vertical spatial trichotomy (an overland, extraterrestrial world / real world, terrestrial / underground world); three-dimensional spatial trichotomy (close world / transitional world / distant alien world); universal space dichotomy (internal world / external world), etc.).
In addition, the analysis of current scholarly researches on the topic allows to come to conclusion that many structural levels of the loci LSF are either not paid any special attention or studied individually which makes it vital to structure them, taking into account the absence of a comprehensive vision of the loci classification within a single common macrostructure in modern Ukrainian literary language. Therefore, a comprehensive classification of the lexical-semantic paradigm is adopted which attaches special attention to the detailed systematic analysis of its previously unstudied segments, e.g. microfields “Virtual Space”, “Media Space”, “Generalized Name”, multiple levels of the microfield “Universum”, some levels of the microfield “Terraspace” (LSMG-I “Platform”, LSMG-II “Units of Conventional Territory Division”, “Territorial-Building Complex”, place nominations, etc.) or those segments which previously lacked thorough analysis, e.g. some levels of microfields “Terraspace”, “Universum”, “Media Space”, etc.
The focus is also laid on the levels of vocabulary which were previously studied to certain extent within dialectology, historical lexicology, lexical semantics, or cross-linguistic disciplines. In this paper, they are analysed as a part of the comprehensive system, placing them among the rest of the structural levels within the loci LSF in modern Ukrainian literary language. Some of the stratifications developed in the research are based on both subjective and objective approaches differentiating either on the basis of environmental, anthropocentric, geocentric space evaluation or taking into account a professional notion of space, i.e. the “purpose” feature.
The main criterion when evaluating whether the lexeme belongs to the loci LSF nucleus or periphery is the degree of the spatial semantics explicitness in the structure of its lexical meanings. According to this criterion, the core of the LSF is characterised by more abstract vocabulary which represents common space types in the minds of Ukrainians, the diffuse zone comprises vocabulary which demonstrates signs of both nucleus and periphery, and lexemes belonging to the loci LSF periphery express spatial semantics implicitly, but not to the extent making it possible to deny their spatial status. It is noteworthy that the LSF marginal areas are much less structurally developed and less numerous than those elements of the lexical-semantic paradigm belonging to the nucleus. The nucleus and the periphery are traced on all sub-levels of the loci LSF in modern Ukrainian literary language which creates a comprehensive vision of each lexical-semantic group within a larger macrostructure.
The nucleus of the loci LSF in modern Ukrainian literary language comprises two microfields: “Generalized Name of Space” and “Terraspace”. The non-nuclear zone contains three microfields: “Universum” (diffusion zone), “Media Space”, “Virtual Space”, a group of unidentified vocabulary (periphery). Microfields vary in their degree from the center to the periphery in their lexical-semantic structure and their internal organization is characterized by several peculiarities. In some loci groups, the nucleus is represented by the whole series of words, and in other ones only by several nominations or by the principal seme. Loci with generalized semantics are especially characteristic of not only microfield “Generalized Name of Space”, but also of LSG “Territory” (microfield “Terraspace”). Within the microfields semantics, the division of space according to its main characteristics is outlined.
The paper is based on the complex analysis of the loci lexical-semantic structure in modern Ukrainian literary language which allows to arrive at certain conclusions. Firstly, the analysis reveals complex and uneven stratification of the place and space nominations on all sub-levels, which in their turn are the subject for further subdivision; secondly, it is established that the paradigm sub-levels are characterized by uneven quantitative representation; thirdly, each sub-level has its own main semantic features which determine the internal stratification architectonics within each loci group with the content gradation; finally, the lexical-semantic structure of each loci group is characterized by individual dominants in relation to the semantic paradigmatic relations which organize it. On the basis of these relations, the principal semes within each nomination group are identified which not only represent the word lexical meaning within each lexical-semantic paradigm but also function as focal points when structuring the loci groups. This allows to build the semantic features hierarchy within each nomination group. Eventually, the thesis established the causes of these phenomena. Moreover, it is found that some loci groups can form paradigmatic semantic interrelations. The stratification of the loci LSF on structural levels in accordance with various degrees of complexity and the units’ semantics gradation reveals the systemic organization of the lexical-semantic paradigm under discussion.
Moreover, it is found that an important feature of the loci LSF structural organization in modern Ukrainian literary language is its susceptibility to diffusion within individual structural levels. The polyvalent character of certain lexems’ semantics is traced in their ability to belong simultaneously to several groups.
The analysis of the loci paradigm structural organization peculiarities in modern Ukrainian literary language reveals the important role of the language lexicalsemantic system, thus opening another perspective for the contemporary Ukrainian literary language, i.e. a semasiological one.
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