Competence approach in the system of staff potential management of the enterprise.
staff potential, structural elements of staff potential, competencies of employees, level of competence, competence approach, staff potential management of the enterprise, multidimensional modelingAbstract
The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of scientific and practical recommendations for managing the personnel potential of the enterprise on the basis of a competent approach.
The research improves categorical apparatus of subject area and provides definition of the «staff potential» through a strategic management methodology (SAST). This definition is interpreted as a socio-economic category, that reflects a set of personal qualitative (psychophysiological, social, intellectual, creative), professional (professional knowledge, qualifications, work experience, attitude to work) performance and capabilities of employees required for effective and efficient activities according to the characteristics and goals of the enterprise. The study actualizes the competence approach as an effective tool for providing competent employees and system-based, which will promote the formation of new processes in management of staff potential to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
Author provides a model of the relationship between structural elements of staff potential on the enterprise and competencies of employees. This is proved a necessity of new methodological approaches to management of staff potential on the enterprise. The thesis generalizes the list of required competencies of employees and main components of staff potential (psycho-physiological, qualification-professional, social and labor). As a result, the study provides the criteria for assessing the level of competence for different categories of job positions (specialists, managers), which serves as a guide in staff potential evaluation of the enterprise.
The author analyzes the staffing of ME «Vinnytsya transport company» and PJSC «Infuzia» by age, gender, education, categories of job positions, characteristics of staff movement and professional development in order to create the preconditions for effective management of staff potential on the enterprises.
Based on the SWOT-analysis, it is proved the necessity of competent employees and program for the development of staff potential to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. This program consists of the goals, objectives, principles, directions (education, training and retraining based on professional competence; ensuring better use the competencies of employees and increase their level of competence; promoting employee self-development; career planning and advancement in accordance with professional competency requirements; organization of processes of staff potential development) and methods of individual employee's potential development and the staff potential development of the enterprise as a whole.
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